
Friday, March 7, 2008

Feelin' the Pretty

Okay! Now I like my blog design. Crisis and crankiness resolved. Do you not agree that it is, as promised, pretty? Thanks, Pyzam, for the swell design!

I thought you might also enjoy the completely dork-like photo of me from second grade. Me mum made that dress for me and that's how I wore my hair for years--I didn't have a say in the matter. In our old bathroom, there was a double sink bathroom counter, and I had to lay down between the sinks to get my hair washed. My hair was so long and so fine and so curly that it was the only way Mom could get it under control. She'd pull it into braids so tight my eyes were slanted, and then insisted on putting SPF lotion on the center part so it wouldn't sunburn, so it'd look greasy. Alas, these are the traumas of my youth.


Jeralee said...

O.K. I like this one. It is pretty, but I also liked your first one- the yellow one. The other two? Not so much. But who am I to judge? My template is anything but exciting. LOL

You rock. Hydranges are my favorite flowers AND I love Alan Rickman. Great actor, and he is totally HOT for an old guy.

SL said...

Ha HA! I found you (after you told me the address). :-)